Zenith 750 SD Tail Scuffing & Deburring

Scuffing Zenith 750 SD Tail

DATE: 01/13/2024 TIME: 1:30 – 4:30 ~ 3:00

I’m not going to provide a bunch of detail in this kind of log entry / post, deburing and scuffing Zenith 750 SD tail parts isn’t exactly challenging no interesting. I do need to keep a log though of the time I’m spending on the build and, although I’ve been told a number of times priming the whole airframe is not necessary, I had chosen to do so. That necessitates scuffing.

Having finished building my temporary paint booth yesterday I started scuffing the remaining components of the tail kit. Having completed the rudder priming and assembly I want to have all of the remaining parts ready to prime in one session to reduce the total amount of setup and cleanup time.

I am using the maroon 3M pad, primarily, although I also have the finer grey pad and use that too, depending on how I feel more than anything else.

Today I got the spars and doublers done and will continue with the remainder in a couple of days. Tomorrow I have spray the Pick-Your-Own peach orchard getting ready for the spring. Some photos below of the scuffing. Just for interest and proof I really did it.

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