DATE: 01-01-2025 TIME: 3:04 – 4:24 p.m. ~ 1:30
Given that it was New Years day I had a few other responsibilities but managed to sneak out into the workshop for a little while to get the scuffing and cleaning done in preparation for priming all the parts prior to assembly and riveting.
I alternated between the maroon and grey 3M scuffing pads. They both do a fine job but the maroon is a little coarser and does not seem to wear out as quickly. These parts definitely take a little longer to scuff than the alclad parts of the Vans RV-10.
Cleaning is as important as scuffing, to remove both scuffing dust and also skin oils as both with prevent the primer from adhering to the metal. That’s why I am wearing a glove on my left hand while using lacquer thinner as my cleaning agent. I could use isopropyl alcohol as it’s a lot cheaper. Also, I am just using a shop towel for cleaning as this is not going to be a finish that anyone will see so tac cloth isn’t necessary.