750 SD Rudder Skin Assembly

Zenith 750 SD Rudder Assembly

DATE: 01-02-2025 TIME: 2:39 – 5:59 p.m. ~ 3:20

Didi I mention it was cold outside ? My shop is insulated and air conditioned / heated. I have both a propane heater and a 36,000 btu mini-split heat pump. The heat pump is far more effective cooling than heating but I suspect that is in significant part due to the heat rising up to the roof. I have temporarily set a box fan up on the storage floor at the 11 foot mark to circulate the air. That is somewhat effective as the floor level temperature now reaches 64f when the mini-split level temperature is 70f. Outside, however, it’s 50f.

Nevertheless, I wanted to prime the parts before assembling and I wanted to start riveting today so there was no option but to get out there and spray.

The spraying went OK but the gun was acting up. I may not have had it cleaned properly or maybe the temperature was too low or I needed to replace the water filter. I’ll do that for next time and see what happens.

I did manage to get all the rudder parts primed and then clecoed them together per Roger’s YouTube video (I have embedded the video below for you.

Despite paying close attention and watching the video almost twice, I still managed to prematurely put 4 rivets where the fairing goes before I had the fairing in place. Drilling the pop rivets out, compared to drilling out solid rivets, is a breeze.

I did not quite get the riveting finished today so had to continue…

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