Workbench Sliding Drawers Addition

Creeping Elegance

Well, yesterday I finally spent some time in the workshop, cleaning up a bit, tidying up a bit and adding a sliding drawer beneath the surface of the 8′ x 4′ bench, creeping elegance is rampant. It is slowly coming together after some delays.

December 30th I had to have multiple surgeries on my right hand, forearm and elbow and that has certainly slowed me down. As of today I am still not supposed to lift more than 5lbs with my right hand.

The biggest issue is that it is extremely difficult to pickup, hold and / or move things around. Not only is my right hand weak, but I cannot pinch my thumb and forefinger, the reason for the surgery in the first place. So picking up small items like screws, or rivets, I either have to do left handed or keep struggling untll I manage to do it with my right. Of course, any extensive use of my right hand, like yesterday, tires my hand and forearm and they start to feel weak and lame. Consequently I know that regardless of the stage the workshop is in, I won’t be starting assembly any time soon. I’m told it can take 12 to 18 months to get to be able to bend my thumb and forefinger again.

Very frustrating. In the meantime I hope to be able to install the air compressor hose and reel and one more sliding drawer this week at which time I will unpack and arrange the balance of the tools I purchased late in 2022. At that point, once I get my hand functionality back, I should be able to start assembling. In the meantime, more research and review of techniques.

The creeping elegance will persist until the airplane is finished !

Workshop 360

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