Very Encouraging News From Vans Aircraft

Yesterday I received a very encouraging email from Vans Aircraft regarding the replacement of my laser cut parts.

Van's Logo
Please confirm your Van’s laser-cut parts replacement parts selection Kit: RV-10 EMP/CONE KIT
Customer: Robert Heller
RV Kit Serial Number: 42674 We are ready to confirm your final selection of replacement parts for your kit(s). Please use the link below to access your previously saved list, and to confirm your selections. We will begin the process of fulfillment after we receive your confirmed submission. We will work to ship as many available parts as soon possible.
email received 3/18/2024

As you may recall, I only had 5 parts for which replacement was recommended. Initially, back in January, that’s all I requested.

After initially indicating the five parts I had identified as needing replacement I sent Vans an email asking about what I believed I had read in an earlier notification, i.e. that parts covered in vinyl were not laser cut but punched and consequently would not need replacement. After two attempts at getting a confirmation that I was not making this up and not getting the firm response I was looking for, yes or no, I decided I would re-inspect all the parts indicated, regardless of vinyl status.

Before I began this fourth or fifth inspection I made the decision to replace all the laser cut parts, regardless of whether replacement was recommended or not. It isn’t that I don’t trust Vans engineering, I do, or I wouldn’t be building the RV-10, or any RV. My decision is based on resale. At some point, whether it is because I can’t fly any more, or want something cheaper, or I’ve gone West and left the aircraft in my estate, disposition will likely result in the question “Does your aircraft contain any laser cut parts ?”. For some, this may not be an issue. For me, as a buyer, if the answer is “Yes”, I’d expect to pay less, regardless of the otherwise excellent condition of the aircraft. So the decision is really simple. I want to be able to say “No” so I was left with no option but to make that the case.

So, on Saturday 3/16/24, I updated my replacement parts list to include all laser cut parts. That added roughly $200 to my cost. Cheap at twice the price.

I think that may also have reminded whoever is in charge of these replacements that I was still waiting. Not sure.

Late yesterday I received another email indicating that I should confirm my parts and they would notify me as soon as they are ready to ship.

Robert Heller, Thank you for your order from Van’s Aircraft. Once your package ships we will send you a tracking number. You can check the status of your order by logging into your account. If you have questions about your order, you can email us at

This is very good news. Having finished insulating my workshop and building a storage attic so I can put parts up as I complete them, I am very excited to be getting on with my build as soon as the replacement parts arrive.

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