All Replacement Parts Received

I am very pleased to report that I have received all the replacement parts I ordered from Vans.

Vans replaced all the required replacement parts for free and I ordered an additional 15 parts just so that I could have the confidence saying that I have no laser cut parts in my kit. I realize this isn’t necessary, but given that this is a very expensive aeroplane, I figured why spoil the ship for a half-penny worth of tar ?

Kudos to Vans for getting this done while under such stress / duress.

I am currently finishing off the last of my practice kits and will be starting on the airplane proper imminently.

I only have the tail kit in house and it is my intention to hold off purchasing the balance of the kit until Vans exits Chapter 11. I don’t know if I will have that degree of patience but I am going to try. When in the situation that Vans is in, you are not entirely in charge of your own destiny so I think it is prudent to wait.

I do plan to make more regular updates as I build.

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