Safety Pilot and Other News

I spent the day today with a good friend Ted Ripp who is a CFII and owns a 172M with a 180HP engine in it. We flew around Alabama and Tennessee a bit as he maintained his IFR currency, ending up at KBGF (Winchester) for a great Thai curry for lunch before heading back to KGZS, Abernathy Field in Pulaski.

BTW, in case you don’t know, Winchester has a fly-in breakfast the first Saturday of every month. It’s a nice little airport with a very friendly manager and assistants. I was not aware of the breakfast but plan to make the trip as soon as possible.

So…the last few weeks have been pretty busy. I have been changing cameras and online connections to make them more useful. I have bought a few more cameras and will be setting them up before getting back to work.

We have a Pick You Own peach orchard here: which, unfortunately got frozen out in January and we have no fruit this year. That doesn’t mean you don’t have to tend to the orchard so I have been pretty busy the last 3 weeks dealing with the orchard and, in particular, cicada damage, but I believe everything is under control.

Tomorrow we are attending a memorial service and then to Kentucky for a few days while someone takes care of the property and animals.

Then, it’s back to work on the RV-10 tail so expect some updates the week of June 30th / July 1st. I am really eager to get the build process going on a steady basis.

I guess I should post some photos when I’m out flying. I’ll try and remember to do that next time (next week 🙂 )

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