Change In Web Site Structure

As I have been trying to get up to date with my log two issues have surfaced:

  • More sensible post naming to avoid confusion
  • Video storage

Post Naming

I want to get away from “Continued…” type posts but I am not quite sure how I am going to do that as yet. Normally, if I create the post on a daily basis then the date the post is created (and / or published) would be the date I did the actual work. That said, using a heading like “Vertical Stabilizer Continued…” really conveys very little information to the reader about what was done on that day and, as so much of the work is repetitive…drilling…riveting…assembly, disassembly, deburr etc. that isn’t much help either.

For the time being, I am not going to make any changes other than to edit the post “publishing” date so that they are displayed in the proper sequential order.

The video files are large. The initial recordings are typically 1GB as they are 5M resolution which is great for viewing, but hopelessly large for storage. I have been re-encoding them to 720p but even at that they remain large so I may compress them further, which I really don’t want to do, or I will start hosting them on a private server at home. I don’t pay for bandwidth and the cost of running a multi-terabyte NAS is insignificant. However, my upstream bandwidth won’t support a significant number of concurrent viewers so I am going to have to consider this carefully.

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