Horizontal Stabilizer Continued

DATE: 09-06-2024 TIME: 1:49

It’s hard to believe how quickly I get behind on maintaining my log. Despite trying to keep it really current, today, as I am actually posting this, is September 17 and this entry should have been posted on the 6th. I am dating them as posted the day of work so this post will show as having been posted on the 6th but in fact it is the 17th. Nevertheless, it allows me to keep the log in chronological order.

The first thing I do, when I am about to start building, is turn on the video capture computer as that provides me start and end times too so I know how long I worked. This of course doesn’t include any research or other time.

Today I spent the time marking up and trimming the HS-1013 spar caps (2), 1014, long, and 1015, short, stringers. There are two of each and they need to be trimmed at both ends. I thought I would try a cutoff saw for the trimming but it turned out my trusty cheap bandsaw was a lot better. I put some duct tape on the bandsaw bed to protect the aluminum and that worked out well too.

Before cutting I marked both surfaces and both ends and, after trimming with the bandsaw, put them in the vice and finished off with a coarse and fine rasp.

While I have video on this process I am not uploading it as it doesn’t include the bandsaw cutting or close up enough on the measuring to be worthwhile.

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