Horizontal Stabilizer Continued

DATE: 10/05/2024 TIME: 6:00

Today began with finishing off double checking the rear spar countersinking because I found one hole that was not countersunk. That would make proper riveting of the skin impossible.

Then I continued with scuffing and cleaning all of the horizontal stabilizer parts ready for priming. I do my priming outside under one of the workshop / barn side sheds which is covered with plastic sheet to prevent overspray hitting the workshop side wall. I had a bad start as I did not properly check the spray gun airflow and had too much fluid which resulted in some initial runs. That said, they’re on the internal (forward) spar so not going to be visible once assembly is complete.

In the middle of spraying I discovered a very large nearby wasp nest and had them flying around. After batting one away with my hand I figured it would be best to spray the nest so I did that before going back to, and finishing off, the spraying. Overall not a bad spray job as I got pretty consistent thin coats on all the parts after the front spar.

In my next post you will see the rudder back on the bench and the primed horizontal stabilizer parts in the background.

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