Laser Cut Parts Review

Today was a day for a second look, a laser cut parts review. I had completed the laser cut parts review yesterday, determining that I only needed to replace six parts. This morning, I thought I would do a second review, from a different angle.

Yesterday, I took the list of tail / empennage parts provided by Vans Aircraft and searched out each of the components, comparing them against the list, the engineering document and the identification document.

Today, I started with the complete kit. I took each part in the kit, compared it’s identification number with the parts identified on the list provided by Vans and determined whether or not it was on the list and, if it was, whether it was laser cut. Then, if it was laser cut, whether or not replacement was recommended.

At the end of the process, I came to a short list of 5 parts to be replaced. Just prior to writing this post I notified Vans and complimented them on their process. I also pointed out a few things I would have done differently / in addition. I am sure they get lots of advice they don’t need.

Nevertheless, it is now done. I am very fortunate that most of the parts in my kit, identified as possible problems, were actually punched and not laser cut. I did have to go back and double check some of Vans earlier reports as it was only there, on one of the original posts, that they indicated that any part vinyl coated was not laser cut. Makes sense, but double checking when someone’s life is in your hands is essential. It’s a bit like the “measure twice, cut once” rule.

I did the whole process twice. Better safe than sorry.

TIME: 2 hours.

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