Check Out The New Lights !

Additional Workshop Lighting

Total time for installing the additional workshop lighting ended up being pretty close to 12 hours. 2 hours per 4ft LED light.

I actually completed the work on Wednesday when the temperature outside was 92f and under the roof of the workshop 108f. After being up there it was pretty clear heat exhaustion was beginning to have an impact despite drinking a lot of water.

Well, the LEDs came from Harbor Freight, 5,000 lumens each, which I hung pretty close to the 12ft level above the floor. Added to the 50,000 lumens from the high bay lights which are at about 16ft, the workshop is effectively daylight lit with 80,000 lumens. I may still hang a couple more about the 24ft of bench I have in the North East corner.

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Given my aging eyes, the brighter the light, the better so I should be good with this additional workshop lighting. Next up is the pegboard and putting tools away, building spray booth and installing laundry tub.

I really do not like standing on a rickety scaffold without outriggers at 18ft. I don’t like heights at the best of times 🙂

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