Official Project Start – RV-10 Empennage

Total work time: 3:20

Today, May 30th 2024 @11:50 a.m. is the official start time of my project building the RV-10.

I began by cleaning and priming the area of the F-1075 skin that I had sanded to remove the scratch caused during the inventory process.

After a little reorganization I began with the trimming necessary for the VS-1014 spar caps that insert into the rear spar. These caps need to be trimmed into right and left orientations and then match drilled into the rear spar. I had already decided not to use snips and had purchased a band saw from Harbor Freight which necessitated replacing the band saw blade for a 24 tpi blade. I’m very glad I had the bandsaw as the spar caps are quite thick and would have been a real pain to trim with snips.

The instructions are pretty clear and the images and video of the process are included below, or will be soon.

The only item I think that should be emphasized in the instructions is to make sure, when you are match drilling the #40 holes in the spar flange into the spar caps, that you make sure the spar cap is lying flush into the rear spar and against the web. The 1/8th holes through the web of the rear spar into the spar caps do not go the whole length of the spar cap. They can’t because you trim away 16 inches of spar cap that would lie up against the rear spar web. As a consequence the spar cap has a tendency, where there are no clecos, to come away from the rear spar web while you are drilling the flange holes. I had this happen with my right spar cap and after checking with Vans, will replace the spar cap which, as of this writing, is about $25.

Below I will post some snapshots and video of the process as soon as I have compressed them. I don’t show the bandsaw as I do not yet have a camera on the bandsaw.

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