I wanted to just provide a quick update on the status of the build for anyone waiting for additional posts.
I have a peach / nectarine / apricot orchard of a little over 700 trees and February is the month for pruning. It has to be completed in a timely manner so I have been very engaged in that process. You can see the related web site at https://www.pick-a-peach.com/ – and by the way I have another web site at https://www.roberthellermusic.com.
Anyway, I paused the build process to wait for the nutplates and screws for attaching the trim tab servo and cover plate and while I went to pick up the fuselage I had ordered. Picking up the fuselage turned out to be a 22 hour day due to some difficulties with the borrowed trailer but it all turned out OK and I was very grateful to have been offered the trailer as a loan.
Right after picking up the fuselage, the next day, I unloaded the crate and the box and got them into the workshop. That was Friday the 02/21. On Saturday 02/22 I drove to Dallas Fort Worth for a conference and to stay with friends until the following Tuesday. Every since then, until yesterday, I was full time dealing with the orchard.
Now it is getting close to tax time so there are duties there that call. However, I do expect to get back to the build process, intermittently, beginning by next week – 03/10. Most likely I will start before that but I still have a few little jobs to do for the orchard, weather permitting.
Thanks for your interest in my build log.